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Christmas Rush!

Christmas is – in the US anyway – a frenetic bumping fussy consumeristic rush.  So Yeah, good stuff for a song?

This one started life – back in July 2021 – as a Talking Heads/Devo-esque bumping, frenzied bass line.  I filled it in with everything but lyrics, knowing at the time that I didn’t have the right stuff to complete it.  Fast-forward to September.  I’m thinking about doing a Christmas song, and BOOM.

The lyrics came entirely too easy.  And though this description suggests a jaded tone and pessimistic conclusion, the opposite is true – The ending drives home the other meaning of “rush”, which – in this case – comes about when you’re around family and friends.

And it hit the streets the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday – Can you think of a better day of the year?